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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Xcanatún

Hacienda Xcanatun, Angsana Heritage Collection
4.5/5101 Bewertungen
Beautiful, elegant property, large pool is gorgeous, very relaxing and calming, very romantic, excellent service, I liked that more locals come here to visit, it doesn't feel touristic, has more authentic feel. The property has obviously the hacienda style but also mixed with Asian style, which I love. The spa was beautiful inside, and also an amazing experience, was second best massage I have ever had, the Banyan Tree in Bangkok is better, the experience was similar but not on the same level as Bangkok. The food was excellent, flavorful (except the verde chilaquiles, a little bland, but that probably not the region's specialty), the pibil and lime soup was best I ever had next to Kinich restaurant, I loved the molletes, it was really good, different style than Mexico City but very good and filling, loved the pickled tomatoes on top. I love that they support the local community and buy food from them, this is really nice that the hotel gives back to the community. My suggestions, since they are expanding is add free environmentally safe citrus spray to guests for mosquitoes like they do in Thailand, we stayed in the Xcanatun room with private pool, maybe have that pool a little heated, the bathtub in the room really for just one person, maybe make it big enough for couples to take a bath together, that would be really nice. Also, I am very picky about my cocktails, I get it, this location is in an obscure place, but it is part of Banyan Tree Group, people are paying a lot for the rooms, they need to up their game where drinks are concerned, why can't I get a mezcal sour (with egg white) - maybe they should compare with Mexico City's Four Season's Fifty Mils Bar and Carlotta at the Ritz Carlton, drinks like Lola Bunny with carrot juice, habernero syrup, beet shrub, lemongrass, gin or spicy cucumber mezcal sour at the Ritz, with chapulin salt - the cocktails at Xcanatun they think adding Sprite to cocktails makes it a good combination, Sprite is worst thing you can add to a cocktail. Also you shake the cocktails with ice but generally if you put ice in the cocktail it will melt and water down the drink. Albeit, my husband said this is the best room he has ever stayed at, that this was better than Qualia in Hamilton Island....

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