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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Pasto

Ayenda Agustin Plaza
4/53 Bewertungen
Ich habe kein heißes Wasser in meinem Zimmer, ich weiß nicht, ob es in anderen Zimmern heißes Wasser gibt, ich schlafe nur eine Nacht und ging am nächsten Tag. Der Boss ist gut, weil es ein Team am Abend gibt, um zu verbringen, und der Boss hat uns auch entschuldigt. Das Hotel hier ist alle Türen verriegelt, drückt die Tür oder schaltet die Tür, der Boss öffnet die Tür. Die Passo-Bahnstation ist 1 km von diesem Hotel entfernt und auf dem Weg zum Hotel geklaut.
Hotel V1501
4.5/555 Bewertungen
It has been awhile from our last visit to Pasto. When we were planning this trip, the V1501 name caught my eye.. Reading the hotel description, I found that the name was related to the Galeras Volcano. It sure seemed like a ”different” place. It brought back an old memory from our college days. when we patronized this cute place in Bogota, where a couple of young alpinists offered mulled wine accompanied by their stories of climbing the mountains of the world. So, my vivid imagination created a story combing the memories of the mulled wine place and my onw personal story of falling in love with a Pastusa creating this european geologist who came to study the volcano but ended up finding the love of his life and somehow the hotel was the end product oft his experience, but I digress. I decided to book the hotel as I wanted to know the story behind the name. The hotel exceeded my expectations. The lobby was full of the colors of the region. The high cieling, the colors, the light (glass windows) make you feel free. I must note that the lobby was so spacious that there are multiple areas with sofas strategicaly located. Check in was a breeze. My senses were impacted when we got out of the elevator. We were assigned room 1005. When the elevator door opened, I was hit by redness and darkness representing thelava inside the volcano. The color of the carpet represented volcanic dust. To my left, there was a mural which stared in the 4th floor and went all the way to the 12th. I was told the mural is the collaboration of multiple local artists. The room was beautiful. The view to the Galeras was amazing. Half of the walls were glass given the occupant a veautiful view to the volvano and to La Avenida de Los Estudiantes. Decoration was with local handcrafts and colors. The theme was now obvious. We were hungry, so we went to the cafeteria, Maure, which represented La Cocha and la trucha arco iris. Service was implecable. Te menu from the cafeteria included choices for all tastes. I am vegetarian. During my stay I enjoyed the falafel wrap, the pistacho croissant, fruit salads. etc. Also in the second floowr there is sauna, steam room, and gym areas. We enjoyed the steam rooms. One was pineapple and citrics, the other was natural herbs. The decoration in this area continued to theme. The wood in the sauna was cutted to represent the potato peels. Locker rooms were cleam. Service was A+ which was consistent. Talkng about customer service consistency, I always find one or two employees to highligh in my reviews because they provided excellent customer support. I can't name one or two in this hotel. The team was A+. It would not be fair to hightlight one peson when everybody did their best to make our stay special. I forgot to mention that the hotel is brand new. It was inagurated on December 2021 with more to come. We xplored the third floow and found that there is a restaurant which should be iopening in April. The fourth floor offered a urban gar

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Hotelinformationen für Touristen

Anzahl der Hotels20
Anzahl Bewertungen4
Niedrigster Preis9 €
Höchster Preis65 €
Durchschnittspreis (am Wochenende)17 €
Durchschnittspreis (unter der Woche)18 €