31. Januar 2023
Maison Noosa is our favourite on Hastings street. While its parking is a little tight, the building is a bit old and it doesnt have in room laundry there is one thing that makes it stand above all others. The pool experience. The pool is as big as any other on hastings street, it has spectacular old school dark blue tiles that makes it shimmer and its more secluded then other pools with a beautiful canopy of trees to look at. But where the pool really beats all others, particularly in winter, spring and autumn, is that they properly heat it unlike some of the more expensive hotels on hastings street. You can get up and have a beautiful swim in the morning before breakfast at any time in the year. You wont shiver in this pool. The spa is also spectaculalry hot. And because the pools and spa are properly heated you can still have a swimming vacation if the weather is poor and the beaches are too cold. And because guests can spread out the swimming time from early morning to into the evening then the pool is rarely full. There have been many time where we have had this pool completely to ourselves and it has been bliss. All because they heat it properly outside of the summer season. Long may this continue. The other benefits of Maison is that the rooms are a decent size, they have nice balconies and its at the quiet end of hastings street so there isnt much, if any noise at night beyond the ocean. Love this place. Coming back again very soon.