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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Golden Sands

Grifid Arabella Hotel - Ultra All inclusive & Aquapark
4.3/543 Bewertungen
The only positive thing in the hotel was the staff, who were nice and trying to accommodate us. We were put in a room on the 7th floor, the AC did not work properly, blowing only room temperature and the heat was unbearable at night time. First we were told that there is some broken part, which they are fixing and the problem is for some sections in the hotel and not only for us. Hot water was also not there in the evenings. We stayed most of our vacation in that room waiting for the AC to be fixed, but it never did. Finally we were moved to the first floor where the AC was working better and I finally was able to sleep. But in the morning there was a huge dying cockroach on the floor in front of the bathroom. The food was tasty and we liked it, but the cockroach incident made it repulsive. The beach is ok, but there is no food or drinks there. The swimming pools were crowded and finding sun-beds was not possible. The included Aquapark was available with shuttle bus in two times in the afternoon, but no food was available there and if your kid gets hungry you have nothing and no way to get back to your hotel. The food from the hotel Bolero is not included (only the drinks) and my son was denied food. The animation was only in French initially, later they changed it. There was nothing like comedy shows, which we enjoy in other hotels, mostly music. The drinks were local with brands like Flirt, which is cheap and not good quality. Overall I do not think this is a 4 star hotel with a decent ultra all inclusive program.
International Hotel Casino & Tower Suites
4.3/537 Bewertungen
We had a holiday above our expectations with its clean and comfortable rooms, friendly and attentive staff, a wide variety of breakfasts and dinners in the restaurants, especially the infinity pool on the 3rd floor. There were many cafes and restaurants around the hotel for both shopping and having a good time in the evenings.
Hotel Excelsior - All Inclusive
4.2/515 Bewertungen
Ich war erstaunt, wie komfortabel dieses Hotel ist. Das Essen war lecker und die Zimmer waren sauber und wirklich komfortable. Auch der Strand ist nicht so weit und die Lage ist schön und kalt. Verantwortlich für unsere Stimmung waren das Hotel Animator und sie waren erstaunlich. Die Aktivitäten waren kreativ und die Nachtshows und die Musik waren großartig. Unsere Kinder genossen die Animation am meisten und der Urlaub war großartig!

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