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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Bogotá

Hotel Vilar América
4.4/5113 Bewertungen
Die Zimmer sind schön große und modern. Die Küche war in meinem Zimmer anfangs nicht ausgestattet, wurde dann aber nachgerüstet. Mir fehlte eine Heizung, da es in Bogotá abends sehr kalt sein kann. Ich musste vor Ort arbeiten. Auf dem Zimmer war das Internet nicht stabil genug, aber man stellte mir einen Arbeitsraum zur Verfügung, so dass ich ungestört arbeiten konnte. Ich hatte über die Webseite einen Flughafenshuttle bestellt, dieser wurde aber nicht geleistet, hätte ich nicht nachgefragt, hätte ich nicht mal gewusst, dass ich nicht abgeholt werde, dafür gibt es 1 Punkt Abzug. Insgesamt ist das Hotel sehr zu empfehlen. Auch das Frühstück war sehr lecker, insgesamt ist aber alles sehr unterkühlt durch Klimaanlagen. Ich werde wiederkommen.
Hotel Rosales Plaza
4.4/578 Bewertungen
On our first day and in first few hours in Colombia we were robbed in hotel Rosales Plaza Bogota. We arrived at 3pm and 20 minutes later left room to have coffee. We came back and then again went out for dinner. When we came back, I realized that my bag was open and even inner pocket was unzipped. Because I had money in it I immediately checked is anything missing and realized that 120 British pounds were missing. I went to front desk to let them know and explained that I understand that no thief will willingly admit that he/she stole the money and that I will get my money back, but they should pay attention on this person who entered our room. Whoever did this is, he/she is ruining reputation of the hotel and even Columbian country and people Front desk person was very attentive and even moved us in different room. I thought that they seriously took my complain and with a little bit of disappointment i decided to not allow that this event ruin my vacation. Next day i was told that Manager wants to talk with me. I expected apology and acknowledgment of my theft reporting and that they will take care that something like this do not happen to their future guests. But Manager was telling me that nobody beside three of us were not entering our room. Then I mentioned that is not true since my money was missing, and that curtain were moved, and some candy was left on desk. Then she said oh, yah room attendant was in the room, but she is reliable person, and she is working a long time with us. That pissed me off and I said, does it mean that I am not reliable person and that I stole my own money? Instead of apology I was suspicious person for this manager instead of someone from her staff. I told her that is not way how business should be done and that they should pay attention to guests' complaint and take care of guests, and not let them feel unsecure in their room So in Rosales Plaza do not count on help and understanding from management and keep all your valuables tightly with you because they think that only thief could be guest not anyone from their staff. Hotel is in nice area and looks good and could be nice place to stay that they do not have thieves between them who are ready for small amount of money to ruin not only reputation of the hotel but reputation of Colombian people who I find very polite and honest.
Hotel de La Opera
4.3/5100 Bewertungen
Our first night in Columbia was spent in Hotel de la Opera in Bogata. I chose this hotel because of its location, old world charm and reviews and it certainly did not disappoint. Our flight to Bogata was delayed 12 hours and we didn’t arrive until 3.30am. We phoned the hotel to inform them of our late arrival and they said the porter would be there to help us and he certainly was. He greeted us at the door and brought our luggage to our rooms. We booked two Junior Suites and the rooms were so big, spacious and spotlessly clean, with lovely long windows overlooking the city. The breakfast the following morning was in a lovely Courtyard setting with the most attentive staff and a great selection of breakfast items. All the staff at the desk couldn’t help you enough. We were within a few minutes walk of all the downtown attractions. I would definitely recommend Hotel DeOpera for your stay in Bogota.
Hotel 101 Park House
4.4/559 Bewertungen
Información imprecisa en la reservación. Reservé una habitación con vistas a la montaña y se negaron a dármela así hubieran visto mi reserva en la aplicación. Decía que incluía sauna y es parte del Spa entonces cobran. Además la reserva suponía un pago completo y al final cobraron los impuestos que no están incluidos o al menos advertidos en la publicación del hotel en la app, tampoco fueron capaces de advertirlo tan pronto se registra uno en el hotel. Las habitaciones son limpias, cómodas, buenas instalaciones, amabilidad del personal, pero toda esa experiencia se daña con información engañosa y gastos inadvertidos.
Holiday Inn Bogota Airport
4.4/5101 Bewertungen
Die Hotelumgebung ist immer noch sehr gut, der Preis ist etwas hoch, es gibt viele andere Hotels in der gleichen Lage zur Auswahl, die man kostengünstiger finden kann. Aber dieses Hotel liegt ganz in der Nähe der Uni, es gibt viele Restaurants hinter der Uni.
Hotel Morrison Usaquén
4.4/565 Bewertungen
Das Hotel war vor COVID perfekt und hat leider sehr stark abgebaut. Selbst an der Rezeption ist es unumgänglich Spanisch zu sprechen, mit English kommt man nicht weiter. Der neu ergänzte Teil des Hotels erfordert die Durchquerung des Hotellokals und im ganzen Gebäude herrscht ein leichter Kochgeruch vor. Das Frühstück bietet Eier zur Bestellung und sonst wenig. Auch hier nur eine Person die English spricht. Ist sie nicht da, dann gibt es nichts weil niemand was versteht.

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