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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Awaji

Grand Chariot Hokutoshichisei 135°
4.7/560 Bewertungen
Awaji Island
This is the BEST hotel in the entire world. I had the greatest time of my life, and staying in the Dragon Quest Slime's Room fulfilled my top life goal. The hotel exceeded my expectations and more! The staff was extremely attentive. Within 5 minutes of calling the front desk, a staff arrived to the parking lot to help us bring our bags to our room (and we had a lot of bags from shopping - thank you!). Upon check-in, a staff explained the hotel and its facilities to us in great detail, and we also really enjoyed the check-in snack and drinks. Entering the Dragon Quest room was magical. The staff guided me through the room, and I got to open the treasure chest like a true hero. I absolutely LOVE the gift from staying in the room. The yukata is beautifully made, and I really appreciate all the slime detail on the fabric. The hotel room was very comfortable and I loved the birthday fruit plate with all the slime decorations! Everything I needed was available in the room. The bathroom was especially impressive. I love how cozy and comfortable the bath tub feels! And I also enjoyed all the hidden Dragon Quest references throughout the room! Finding the hidden mini medals was such a great treat, and I truly feel like I am inside the video game! The dinner and breakfast service was OUTSTANDING! The beef melted in my mouth. My husband was especially appreciative of the food accommodation since he does not eat seafood. The drinks were amazing, and the Dragon Quest dessert was just delightful! We had some good conversations with the dinner and the breakfast staff, and they were so fun and so friendly to talk to! It was especially heart-warming when the staff gave me the final mini medal to keep and a small message scroll to read on the road. I have already told everyone I know about how great this hotel is. Please give everyone who worked on April 17 and 18, 2023 a raise and a promotion! They were fantastic! I wish I remember their names, but I was so overwhelmed with how awesome the facilities were, I forgot :( Thank you SO much for such a wonderful experience I will never forget!

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